An Interactive Graphical User Interface Module for Soldier Health and Position Tracking System


  • Wesam Fuad Swedan Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Huthifa A. Al_Issa Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Ayat Aloqoul Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Hadeel Alkofahi Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Rahaf Obeidat Al-Balqa Applied University


Soldiers are the backbone of any armed force. They usually lose their lives due to the lack of medical assistance in emergency situations. Furthermore, army bases face problems due to the inability to track soldiers’ locations in the field. Hence, this paper proposes an interactive graphical user interface module (IGUIM) for soldiers’ bioinformatics acquisition and emergency reaction during combat, a global positioning system (GPS) is used to track soldiers’ locations through a device carried by the soldier. Soldiers’ bioinformatics are gathered using health monitoring biosensors, bidirectional communication between the soldiers and the army base is established via a global system for mobile (GSM). The proposed interactive module aims to enumerate the soldiers on the battlefield within a database that easily facilitates health monitoring, position tracking and bidirectional communication with each soldier through their identification number. The proposed IGUIM will increase the rate of soldiers’ survival in emergencies, which contributes to preserving the human resources of the army during combat.

Author Biographies

Wesam Fuad Swedan, Al-Balqa Applied University

The Department of Electrical Engineering, Al-Huson University College

Huthifa A. Al_Issa, Al-Balqa Applied University

The Department of Electrical Engineering, Al-Huson University College

Ayat Aloqoul, Al-Balqa Applied University

The Department of Electrical Engineering, Al-Huson University College

Hadeel Alkofahi, Al-Balqa Applied University

The Department of Electrical Engineering, Al-Huson University College

Rahaf Obeidat, Al-Balqa Applied University

The Department of Electrical Engineering, Al-Huson University College


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