Transient Processes Associated with Turning an Antenna On and Off


  • Anna Witenberg Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich


The paper discusses the phenomena accompanying switching the sinusoidal excitation of an antenna on and off when the antenna is excited by a train of sinusoids containing several to several hundred periods. Transient phenomena are presented against the background of the resonant properties of the antenna. The processes of turning the antenna on and off take place under different conditions and therefore are different. When the antenna is switched on, the transient processes are determined by the antenna properties and the excitation properties. When the antenna is switched off, excitation is no longer present, and the properties of the antenna determine the transient process. We define a new measure of time: the effective light meter.


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Antennas, Radars and Radiowave Propagation